So, I've decided to do an issue of Petzabloo every other day rather than every day. The reason being - although the petz community is certainly active, there really isn't enough stuff going on to be talkin' about everyday unless I'm really digging for it. Every other day though allows for some time for the magic to happen. Er, well, for new events to occur at least! So, with no further ado...
I figured since this is a new "every other day" issue, we'd start fresh with a new layout. Feel free to comment below and have an opinion as to whether you like the new layout here or prefer the old one! As always, comment away as much as you'd like on all of the issues Petzabloo comes out with. Think of your comments like donations to keep Petzabloo runnin'! If Petzabloo is being read by all of you wonderful petz goers, then it most certainly will keep rolling on out new issues! So, please, comment! ^^
Well, today, looking over at RKC, we have a few things going on! In the show ring, it thankfully looks like showz are still on the rise! That's great too - showing is such a fun way to find your niche in the petz community! Oh, wow, you can't miss out on Valerian.House's creation of the Adoption.Breeding.List! What a cool idea - and it really is the talk of RKC at the moment. Kudos to you, my friend! Didn't you always hear to drink responsibly and never have alcohol if you're under 21 years of age? Well, thanks to Midnightwolf, free Vodka to everyone - regardless of your age! Haha - now, now, don't go gettin' excited! Click the link and you'll see it is all in good, petzy fun! Okay, well, looking here, if you like labs, you better apply for them, and quick - they're going like little hot potatoes! Thanks Shebaatje for putting them up for adoption, it certainly looks like they're getting some attention over at RKC! Heather's nice enough to care for your health, speaking of health, have some fruit while you're at it - it's good for your skin and all around health! It looks like Gossipin' has some new updates to it, go check it out! Over at Duke's Group, Amy is hosting an interesting project - get to know your petz! It really is fun to step aside from the hexing and the breeding and the showing (I know, I know - it can be hard!) and really play with and get to know your petz! Great idea, Amy! Alright - WARHORSE, can you have created anything cuter than this? I'm not so sure - amazing job, really!
Well - let's see. What's going on in the outside world? Hmm. Well, let's start with letting you guys and gals know what's up with the small budding community of exercising fun! ;) Today marks the start of a unique "Team Up Challenge" - feel free to join up and start participating. No one will bite. Promise. What else do we have? I was just thinking today, some random tidbit of info - laughing. It is so unbelievably good for you to guess what? LAUGH! DO IT! Haha, but seriously, check this out. Oh, and something else I came across that may be of interest to you (or at least keep ya occupied on a slow day): I dig natural remedies and healing - you like?
Well, that's the scoop for today - I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you all for reading, thank you very, very much!
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