Saturday, February 23, 2013

Issue #24

Chicken Smoothie Community

CS Pet of the Day

Hello everyone, today's special CS pet that is being featured is Анастасияv's pet here! It looks like he must've been a Christmas Eve pet? Very beautiful!

Daily Oekaki That Wow'ed

To Auyn~ by Wind Song
Petzabloo Review: Beautiful job, Wind Song! That little pup couldn't have turned out cuter! Keep up the great work! Here's a little something for you lovely:

Awesome Reading Material
Today we have a different type of reading material. This isn't a story or a poem, but deep, beautiful lyrics written by Acoustic.. You can view them here. Acoustic., you did an amazing job. Although you say you are young and haven't experienced much of the world and true feelings, you write like you most certainly have. You have so much talent, keep writing and creating. You are always welcome to submit your work to this blog. I wish you nothing but the best in your future of creation lovely.

Featured User-Made Adoptables

Do you want some adorable pixelated bears? These little adoptables are freebies, and so darn cute. Come on over and adopt one today! Nai. offers these little guys called Bilonas here. ^^

Featured Wishlist

Today we have ❦ωσℓƒ❦'s wishlist featured today! Can you help a friend out and grant them a CS wish? ^____-

Petz Community

Do You Love Hexies?

I know I sure do! Georgie has created another beautiful hexie here. Georgie is offering to possibly put these beauty in PUGS or do a raffle of some sort! If you'd like one, you better put yout input in! Great job, Georgie!

Next Top Petz Model? I Think Yes!

Ayshajade had an AWESOMELY creative idea here! Now more than likely, everyone probably knows how I love new ideas (haha) and this is a wonderful one! A fashion show for petz - how much fun! Go ahead and enter your petz, I know I will be heading on over after this newsletter issue is completed! Bring a little fun into your petz training routine and enter today!

Ohana: What a Wonderful Name

Tizminkx's website, Ohana Kennels, is a beautiful site looking for sister sites! Tizminkx focuses on breeding and showing Great Danes, however, other petz will be found around Ohana. Ohana means extending beyond your blood and marriage related relatives to people whom are not related in that sense and incorporating them as family. What a fitting name. Lovely site, Tizminkx. If you would ever like to link up with Petzabloo, you can always do so here!

I Wish, I Wish, I Wish For...

Duke Arundel has a few wishes that need some granting (for P4)! Maybe if you take a look over it, you will see that you are the wish graner to make Duke Arundel's day.

Duke Arundel wishes for...

  • Doobie file
  • White labs (preferably naturally bred)
  • Spotty up eared lab hexies.
  • Catz hexed from the Siamese, chinchilla Persian, and Persian file
  • Chinchilla Persians of higher generations in fun colors
A little gift for you, Duke Arundel, a hexed spotty Lab (with up ears) named Duchess. If you would like her and Petzabloo granted your wish, just let me know lovely! I hope you like her. ^.^

Roleplay Expanding at Petzabloo!
There are new towns and cities, oh, and shops! You can now bring your petz to the town of Lanceton and soon the city of Bruntin. At the moment, while in Lanceton, your pet may visit the Pitter Patter Park, Surf 'N' Turf Beach (although it is very cold out), and even go to Trinkits and Tronkits, a mysterious little shop...

Some restaurants will be coming to Bruntin as the city's walls heighten! Come one and all and get your petz involved with an exciting roleplay experience! Come join us here!

Hey everyone, come on over here and discuss today's newsletter issue!

Thank you so much for reading everyone! Remember: E-mail me at to get anything you would like featured, whether it be artwork, advertisements, Chicken Smoothie related, petz related, adoptables of any kind (petz, Chicken Smoothie, others), writing (any type), articles about anything (only request is to keep it clean and sensor anything that wouldn't be PG-13).

Friday, February 22, 2013

Issue #23

Chicken Smoothie Community

CS Pet of the Day
Hello everyone, today's special CS pet that is being featured is Apollo Fon Friso, owned by Lᴏᴋɪ's♥Tᴀɪɴᴛᴇᴅ♥Hᴇᴀʀᴛ. What an awesome looking horse - love him!

Daily Oekaki That Wow'ed

Love is in the Air~<3 by Fellefan
Petzabloo Review: Wow. Wow. Um, wow again? Awesome job, Fellefan! Everything from the adorable character you created to the background is beautiful. I've got to put emphasis on that background; the clouds are gorgeous and when you added the sun's rays, that truly made the picture. Keep up the amazing work! Here's a little something for you lovely:

Awesome Reading Material

If you would like a humorous, cute story, "Simon Jones", is for you! Written by, Captainnayancat, this story will give you a giggle or two. A nice, short read that will give you a smile, what else more could you ask for? ^^ I hope to see more from Captainnayancat, it seems as though the current short story would make a really good longer one! Drop us a line here, Captainnayancat, if you ever want to have anything submitted! Keep up the fantastic work!

Featured User-Made Adoptables

Free puppy cuties are being offered here, created by GhostE! Your sister was right to tell you to put those adorable pups up, because you do a really wonderful job! I hope to see customs from you one day!

Featured Wishlist

Today we have FlyingFrogs' wishlist featured today! Can you help a friend out and grant them a CS wish? ^____-

Website Feature Advertisement

Beasktkeeper, a fantasy animal breeding game, caught my eye just by the name; then when I heard what it was about, which you can check out here, I thought it more than deserved a place here at Petzabloo! Go check it out, you may find a new game you like! :3

Petz Community

How Much Cuter Can You Get Than a Pup and His Scarecrow?

Valerie@OAK's Chesney is looking so darn cute with her little scarecrow that she had to have her own place in Petzabloo. Here's a little something for you and Chesney, Valerie:


Bring Your Petz On Over For Some Roleplaying!

The possibilities are endless! You can have your petz go meet other petz, go new places, learn new things - please, come on over and join us! Petzabloo has a small, but active forum. We'd love for all our reader's to be a part of it.

Petz Healthy Reminder

Better drop and give her 15...Bee tends to get quite the 'tude when things don't go her way! ^^

While at Icciotto's Petz Home...

Did you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of Petzabloo at my own petz abode? Hmm, well in today's daily window of peeking, I give you...

All of my babies are currently enjoying their time in Rielsha! Your petz could join on in if you'd like. Available currently for P5 and I will certainly convert to P4 upon request!

Petz Art

Would anyone be interested in a petz art gallery? I had this idea of a gallery that would go up on Petzabloo's forum which would include pictures that were drawn, colored, and or edited of petz. An example would be like this, in which my baby, Powder, is in. The background was completely drawn and colored by me and then edited in GIMP. Maybe an art service for "Petz Art Gallery" pictures? Let me know!


Do You Think Eevee Deserves the Title?


According to, Eevee is the cutest Pokemon of all time. Now, yeah, she, I can't deny it, she's so darn adorable I can barely stand it! BUT...there are other cute little balls of Pokemon that I think may just beat her out. To me, for example, Shroomish (which didn't make the list) is just darling. I have a lot of favorites though. What about you?

Hey everyone, come on over here and discuss today's newsletter issue!

Thank you so much for reading everyone! Remember: E-mail me at to get anything you would like featured, whether it be artwork, advertisements, Chicken Smoothie related, petz related, adoptables of any kind (petz, Chicken Smoothie, others), writing (any type), articles about anything (only request is to keep it clean and sensor anything that wouldn't be PG-13).

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Issue #22

Chicken Smoothie Community

CS Pet of the Day

Hello everyone, today's special CS pet that is being featured is an adorable little squid, owned by Foxanna. The cuteness level is killer, I mean, when can you say, "Hey, I'd wanna cuddle that squid!"? ^^

Daily Oekaki That Wow'ed 

Spring Time by Ravenwarrior
Petzabloo Review: When I saw this, I just had to include this beautiful art in today's issue of Petzabloo! Of course it is an appropriate topic, to have some art that includes Spring time as it is just around the corner, but this isn't just some Spring time art, not at all...honestly, this is just down right adorable. I absolutely love everything you did to your piece here. You gotta love that little caterpillar too! <3 Here's a little something for you lovely:

Awesome Reading Material

Puddlesribom89 has a roleplay based story here, "Deep in the Mountains", with two chapters to it already. Check it out, you will easily get lost in the big cats' story of family and survival. Puddlesribom89 did an amazing job so far, please keep it up!
Featured User-Made Adoptables
Have you ever wanted a little, teeney, tiny Pokemon you could just travel with in your purse or pocket? Well, I didn't mean to get your hopes up by saying you could put him or her in your pocket, however, you can put it snuggly in your signature or profile to call your own! These little adoptables here, owned by AWarriorcat are excellently made and so...darn...cute. Catch 'em all! -____^
Featured Wishlist
Today we have ~Red Panda~'s wishlist featured today! Why don't you see what ~Red Panda~ would like and maybe help a friend out?
Website Feature Advertisement
Do you like to roleplay? Do you like big cats? If we had a double yes, then you should check out "The Ancient Clans", a big cat roleplay forum that is up and coming! If you'd like, take a look here!
Petz Community
What a Gorgeous Boy
Reelee and her dog, Spark, are such a pair. You can view pictures of this handsome boy here. Spark is seriously belongs on the cover of a magazine - and according to Reelee, he has a personality that could win over anyone. What dog - the best of luck Reelee!
An Art Gallery to Drool Over a Little LOT Bit!
Tec - I have got to hand it to you: WOW. Your work you show off here is utterly outstanding! You are really talented. I love all of your work displayed honestly, but I've got to say, I'm a sucker for your tiny kitties. You deserve about ten thousand pats on the back. Bravo, lovely!
Petz Healthy Reminder
How long have you been sitting here reading this Petzabloo issue? Um, well, please continue, by all means...just a quick intermission from my baby Arethusa...move your body a bit!

While at Icciotto's Petz Home...
Did you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of Petzabloo at my own petz abode? Hmm, well in today's daily window of peeking, I give you...
Rascal and Carcreme out to dinner...
Rascal on the left there would like to say something.
What is it my Rascal love?
Rascal: I did NOT sign up for whatever is going on here!
Carcreme: No talking, just let me enjoy this moment of savory kitty hair. Mmmm...
We All Could Use a Little Mischief in Our Life
What a unique looking pup we have here! Hexed by Newlndnfire, being only her 2nd hexie ever, he is a pretty special dude! If you are interested in applying for him, all it takes is a nice little application! Go get 'em!

You Like What You See?

Of course you do!
Who wouldn't want a little stick pet? Hexed by CatCreature, this baby here as well as a few others are in the PUGS shop here! Ikeli (pictured above) only costs 10 points. I'd say that's more than a deal!
While Over at Petzabloo's Forum
For those of you who are not yet aquainted with Petzabloo's forum, located here, things are starting to pick up!
[x] Welcome to our newest (and very active!) member, Sycada! Thank you so much for joining us, we're all so happy to have you lovely!
[x] Come join Sycada's Ferris and my own Azazel in the park here! Apparently Ferris lives the royal life, with dogz as maids and servants...huh! This fact isn't really phasing Azazel any longer - he's a bit too caught up in the idea of having a prince for a friend!
[x] Do you have baby petz? Are they cute enough to win this competition? It only needs two more entries to be judged! Come join your babies in!
[x] The EBW Pose Fail competition needs four more entries before the giggling judgement can commence!
[x] There are only two Zillakitten Petzabloo Collectibles left - come grab one here!
[x] Questions, comments, thoughts, suggestions about today's newsletter? Come discuss it; both members and guests can post here!

Thank you so much for reading everyone! Remember: E-mail me at to get anything you would like featured, whether it be artwork, advertisements, Chicken Smoothie related, petz related, adoptables of any kind (petz, Chicken Smoothie, others), writing (any type), articles about anything (only request is to keep it clean and sensor anything that wouldn't be PG-13).

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Issue #21

Chicken Smoothie

Chicken Smoothie is Now Being Featured in Petzabloo

Are you a member at Chicken Smoothie? If not, you should check it out, it is a really awesome site where there are oodles of talented people, and not to mention the adorable pets you can adopt and trade with other users! Daily you will find here, Oekaki favorites, links to people's adoption agencies, randomly featured pets that are up for trade or adoption, and submitted articles and works from talented people! Incase you didn't know, I am Icciotto over at Chicken Smoothie, and proud to be a member of such a friendly, active community!

Daily Oekaki That Wow'ed

Girl and Horse by ~Adelaide~
Petzabloo Review: This art is beautiful, gorgeous even. The blending of the background is outstanding, blended to perfection. As the horse trots off, the woman sits and ponders what looks like to be her reality. Awesome job, ~Adelaide~! Here's a little something for you lovely if you'd like to have it. Your art deserves a little trophy.

Featured User-Made Adoptables

Flame-Kittens, up for adoption by TabbiKat and the deisnging crew, are gorgeous kitties that would love to be yours! Go check out the adorableness for yourself! ^^

Featured Wishlist

Wishlists will randomly be chosen and featured here daily at Petzabloo. Maybe you'd like to offer a trade or donate and make someone's day or Chicken Smoothie dream come true! Today's featured wishlist is Ryukin's wishlist. Can you help Ryukin out?

Daily Chicken Smoothie Pet

Click here for today's featured pet at Chicken Smoothie, owned by august_wind♥.

Website Feature Advertisement

Are you a Batman fan? Why not check out Sam's Pull-List, a blog dedicated to the critique and review of comics.  Help a guy out who would like some pageviews and maybe some feeback!


D'awww, What a Face!
This is Jake, for adoption here, along with some other friends of his! Cheaco has some awesome pups for D4 up here, some swing by and maybe take Jake or one of his friends home today!

What a Good Pose...err, You're Doing it Wrong!

Runt says: You want me to do wha?!

Come here to enter your petz in a pose show fail competition! Everybody will win, and all are welcome, catz, dogz, and every age from young, old, and inbetween! It should generate a few laughs as you can actually use those poses (if you wanna call them that!) that once made you grunt with frustration!

Petz Healthy Reminder

How can you ignore a request from a cutie like this?

While at Icciotto's Petz Home...

Aoife says: My mommy got me spayed today...I'm not exactly sure what that is but she says it is good for me! She said I was too flirtatious...hmmm....


Daily Dose of Wisdom

Robert Frost Quote

Thank you so much for reading everyone! Remember: E-mail me at to get anything you would like featured, whether it be artwork, advertisements, Chicken Smoothie related, petz related, adoptables of any kind (petz, Chicken Smoothie, others), writing (any type), articles about anything (only request is to keep it clean and sensor anything that wouldn't be PG-13).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

News is Slow Today

News is pretty slim in the petz community today. Look back tomorrow for another newsletter issue! Maybe give your opinion here at PCG or here at RKC if you would like. Have a good night everyone. ^.^

Monday, February 18, 2013

Issue #20

It's a...two boys?!

As I explained on Petzabloo's forum here, I am both flattered, excited, and really confused! Although I adopted both of my kitties as female and I never played with changing their sex at all, they both got pregnant and had the same time. There wasn't a notification when they bred (which may because I have that turned off), however, upon bringing them out of the petz door upon opening my game again, they both had kittens (with each other being the parents)! Has this ever happened to you, or have you known someone who this has happened to? Very odd, but very cool. The kittens are just darling! According to Newlndnfire, she has heard of this happening, although very rare! Do you have any petz that were born of parents of the same sex?

Petzabloo's Forum Updates

1.) Now at Petzabloo's forum there is roleplaying boards for both petz and non-petz! I plan on starting a few within the next day, so be on the lookout and join in, roleplaying can be loads of fun! There is already one petz RP open here. To join in, just introduce your petz [character]!

2.) Guests and members alike may post in both the chat box as well as the "Newsletter Corner" board. It is encouraged to support Petzabloo and get your opinion heard to reply to topics here (even a forum guest) as well as create them to get your ideas and opinions heard. Remember, Petzabloo features both petz and non-petz related content, so please, suggest anything and everything - all is welcome.

3.) This isn't so much a forum update as it is for Petzabloo's actual newsletters, however, it does involve the forum as you (even as a guest) can post your opinions and ideas for newsletter articles in the "Newsletter Corner" board. Petzabloo is very open to article submissions! Please don't be shy. Whether it is artwork, writing, photos, articles on anything at all that is important to you, whatever it may be, please submit it! All submissions may be petz or non-petz related. Petzabloo is advertised on various different forums and around the web, so if it is an advertisement you'd like to get out there as well, please submit it, people from different backgrounds will see it. No matter what, Petzabloo encourages submissions! ^.^

Good Lookin' Kitties for Adoption

Julien has some awesome MPAs for C5 up at RKC. These babies are really beautiful and looks like they could use a home that will give them all the attention they deserves and Julien would like them to have!

Featured Works of the Day

Other People
By, Jean-Paul Sartre

Hell is other people who
No matter what you do
Always find something to judge
They drag you through the sludge
And see through your thin disguise
As they shred you with their eyes
All their faults and lack
They place upon your back
Unable to see their own transgression
It becomes their only obsession
To find all of your flaws
And all your broken laws
And they won’t even let you live
Because they refuse to forgive

Heaven is other people who
No matter what you do
Choose to see the best
In you and forget the rest
They don’t dwell on your sin
Since they want all to win
They don’t create divisions
By their prideful derisions
Of those with whom they differ
For they know that the transfer
Of their own guilt to another
Will come back and smother
Their efforts to be free
And their search for unity

Daily Dose of Wisdom

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

Thank you all so much for supporting and reading Petzabloo. <3

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Issue #19

Pretty Kitties in Need of a Home

Here are some adorable kitties in need of a home for C5. There are four little meowlets ready to find a place in your own heart and home and Belated Love states they all pose happily; so if you're looking for show kits, then one may just be for you!

Plushies for Sale

...and not of the petzy kind! Ali Rae at PCG is selling her real life plushies and boy are they adorable! ^.^ You can view the topic on the forum here and view the plushies available here. Ali Rae said she will be very negotiable with prices as well, she just wants a good home for them!

Writtle Petz

Georgie at Writtle Petz has a beautiful website here that I thought deserved a spot in Petzabloo! The entire site is worth looking around, and definitely don't forget to check out her hex archive, especially the Libertas Dane! Awesome site, Georgie!

Petz Spotlight

kazuki and new teddy x.pngkazuki and teddy.pngKazuki here, owned by Ashyajade, and hexed by Star is enjoying his new toy, Teddy the plushie teddy bear! What a handsome pup; such a big strong boy enjoying the mini teddy - you can tell he may be tough on the outside, but that broad chest holds quite the heart!

Thanks for reading today everyone, today's issue is a bit short, the community was pretty quiet today. Have a wonderful night all!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Issue #18, Toyz, Toyz, Toyz - Everywhere!

Plushies for Your Petz

I went on a toy making spree today, and with by request, you can get any of the available toyz I have shown here! Plushies galore...even Teddy the mini teddy bear!

Random Petz Spotlight

Heather's "Grumpy" was spotted in the show ring today while scouting some showz! Wow, what a kitty! Those markings are just gorgeous! Good luck in the ring, Grumpy!

Hexie Spotlight

*clap, clap, clap* DoktorGilda's  hexie here is a beaut! ^^ I'm loving the curly tail and purple whiskers. This kitty deserves a present; be expecting something in the mail, DoktorGilda. In celebration of you being a darn good hexer and finding your older petz, a gift will be coming your way, expect it to arrive in the next 1-2 days.

Grab Those Bags!

Fancy some surprise petz? Check here; Valerian.House was generous enough to offer some sexy petz for free! ;) I think I may go grab some myself!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Issue #17, Welcome the Season

One Lone Pup in Need of a Home

The pup all the way to the left is in need of  a home! Newlndnfire has the form and rules here if you are interested!

Help a Fellow Show Goer Out

Julien is a bit rusty on showing kitties, why don't you give a fellow show goer a hand and give some feedback along with Key0fthetwilight's?

Custom Hexies, Anyone?

Lollypop is offering these adorable bears that are customizable. The progress that was made is amazing - only a few days back Lollypop was asking for advice in hexing help! If you'd like to see how her hexie evolved, you can view the evolution of her cute hexie here!

Spring is in the Air

As you probably noticed, Petzabloo has a new layout, and so does our forum (thanks Newlndnfire for the beautiful banner)! Come and join the Petzabloo community and support your daily newsletter; you can join up the forum here. There is a section for Petzabloo newsletters to be discussed - and you are always encouraged to send in your own articles.

Little Bears!

My MS Paint excursion led me to create the teddy bear family, accessories  toys, food, and even furniture and rooms! You can check out all the goodies here!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Issue #16; Happy Valentine's Day!

In Need of Just a Few More Entries!

[x] Veda's Express Dogz Show needs just 2 more entries.
[x] Willow's Dogz Show needs just 1 more entry.
[x] Willow's Catz Show needs just 4 more entries.
[x] Sheba's Catz Show needs just 2 more entries.

There are also more showz open in need of quite a bit of entries before they can be judged. Above are a few that are close to being judged though. Go ahead and enter - your petz will thank you for giving them a job!

Awesome Hexies: Spotted!

In yesterday's issue of Petzabloo it was mentioned that I will be on the lookout for when Belated Love puts her beautiful hexies up for adoption! Well, here they are; one of each color variety! All that is being asked for is possibly a great app, some hexies or bred petz for trade, and even some artwork if you are so inclined! All that and more if worth one of these gorgeous petz.

Looking for Danes?

Zoebuggie at PCG has some pretty cute pups up for adoption; they have beautiful ice colored eyes and the colors of their coats are amazing. If you'd like a unique pet, stop by and snag one before they're all adopted!

Wildz Need Toyz Too

OwnedbyaGSD is nice enough to offer to make toyz for all of your wildz petz out there; go give some feedback and voice what you're babies would like! Bamboo, bowls of fruit, and food bowls are already some options; what would you like?

A Petzabloo Valentine to You and Yours

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Issue #15, Happy Day Before Valentine's Day!

Puppies In Need of Good Homes

Ritz has posted some pups on RKC here I don't know how I missed. Upon seeing them, I had to apply at once, Libby just caught my heart. Ritz has been bumping the adoption thread for a while, so you know they are loved and Ritz is waiting on them to get a good home that will truly care for them. (Kudos to you Ritz for not giving up on 'em!) Go ahead and apply if you have some extra room in your petz home and heart - they're beauties.

One More Entry Needed

One more entry is needed in Key0fthetwilight's EBW Calico Show! Like Key0fthetwilight states herself, we all know how Calicoes will give you a time trying to pose...they are in need of this show! Whether you have a Calico purebred or a mixie, go ahead and enter him or her - besides, who doesn't want a few extra show points?

Promote More Spotlights in Petzabloo

A few people are already on Petzabloo's list of owners who gave the okay (scroll to bottom of page after clicking link) to having their petz' pictures used in Petzabloo newsletter issues! If you would like to give Petzabloo permission to have your petz featured in the daily issues, please either reply here on this newsletter issue or here.

You Can't Deny Talent

Belated Love sure is a hexer with talent. Wow, here hexie here was perfect when she first posted it, but then look at the increments of tweaking that brought it to the final product with a variation even in color! Petzabloo will be on the lookout for when this hexie goes up for adoption or trade! Great job, Belated Love, you've clearly got skills!

Featured Story
Author: Giesji (from Chicken Smoothie)

In the beginning of spring, the sun wakes early and bright. The night dew had barely evaporated from the meadow grass, when Edith stepped out from his tiny shed, to have a morning snack.
Edith was an old male goat. He never really liked his name, but he had been dubbed by a little 4 year old girl with pig tails. He was given to her at her fourth birthday, but after the first few months of being her best friend, she lost interest and Edith was banished to share a tiny field with the Shetland ponies, somewhere behind the barn.

Edith loved to wake early and just sit in the moist air and listen to the birds beautiful morning tunes. He wasn't exactly an ornithologist, but he would still make an effort to figure out what type of bird had what call. Most of all, he would just sit and stare in amazement at the birds when they flew across the field.
Suddenly a tiny twitter from somewhere in the long grass snapped him out of his dreamy state. It came from somewhere close by.
It didn't take Edith long to spot a small fat bird with brown feathers behind a group of dandelions. He just stopped and stared. He had never been this close to a bird before.
"What are you looking at, long face?". The tiny bird made itself look big and poofy, trying to scare the goat off. But it really just made it look even fatter.
"Oh.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I just find you very interesting. What kind of bird are you?", Edith asked with his best and politest manners.
"I don't know. I'm a bird. We don't categorize ourselves. What kind of horse are you?". The tiny bird wasn't exactly in a very chatty mood.
"I'm not exactly a horse.. Or, at least I don't think I am.. How do you distinguish yourself from the other birds? You know.. when you have to find a mate or something?"
The tiny bird began flapping frustratingly with its wings, in a failed attempt to fly.
"I know him when I see him. Fat and brown. Like me", the bird answered.
"I'm fat and brown too, you know" said the goat, in a failed attempt to make a joke.
The bird froze for a moment, and then turned her head slowly, giving Edith the 'are you kidding me?' stare.
It made him very uncomfortable, so he backed up a few steps.
"I'm sorry.. its just... I really admire you birds for your wonderful ability to fly. I wish I could fly away from this place". He stared into the ground, scraping his hoof in the dirt. It was his life long dream. Or, at least ever since he got to this place.
"Well, the gate is open you know. I noticed on the way here.. before I crashed landed, that is..". Painfully, the bird tried to stretch her left wing.
Edith' face lit up like a bright summer sun.
"Really?! That's the best news ever! Thank you so much!" yelled the goat, already on his way to the gate.
Suddenly he stopped, and turned around, facing the tiny fat bird.
"But... Why aren't you flying?" he asked confused.
The bird gave him an annoyed stare for a while before answering;
"I crashed and hurt my wing, thank you very much for asking! I don't think its broken though, probably just needs a little res.."
"I'll take you with me! That's the least I could do! You can sit on my horn if you like." the goat interrupted, very excited.
"Nah, I'm not really sure that's a good ide.." before the bird could finish, Edith had scooped her up on one horn, and began trotting towards the open gate.

It didn't take long before they had left the estate, and now found themselves in the woods.
Edith was so full of joy and excitement that he made small jumps of joy as they walked along the dirt road. He had already forgotten his tiny passenger, the bird, that clinged desperately on to his horn, whenever he made a little twitch.
The sun peaked in between the branches of the enormously tall trees, and there were an intense smell of spring flowers in the air.
Within a few minutes they left the forest, only witnessed by two overweight squirrels.
There were huge grassy fields as long as the eye could see.
"There is a small town up ahead, if you'd like to go there" the bird tweeted.
"A town? What kind of stuff can we do there?" the goat asked.
"I don't know... They usually toss bread around whenever me and my friends are visiting."
"Sounds good to me!" said the goat with excitement, and continued along the dusty road.

One and a half hour later of trotting through the open landscape, the dirt road turned into asphalt, and houses began popping up along side the road. They had reached town.
"Where should we go now?" said Edith, so full of energy and happiness, he kept waving his head around, in the attempt to look at the bird who was sitting on his horn. Obviously, this was physically impossible, and the bird almost fell off.
"Oh.. I'm sorry" he said embarrassed when he realized what he was doing.
"It's okay. Go to the centre of the city, there's a park with a lake and ducks and stuff. They throw bread constantly at that place. We can get a bite to eat there".

Wondering eyes stared as they walked along the pavement. Even a car almost hit an old lady, because neither the driver nor the old lady could stop staring at the strange couple who was strolling down the street.
"Oh look! There it is!" yelled the tiny bird, pointing its beak at an open area, with short green grass, some shady trees and a couple of benches. And in the middle, a small pond inhabited by a handful of ducks and an grumpy looking swan.
"I seriously hate that guy, man" said the bird, shaking her head in frustration.
"Who?" Edith asked. He hadn't seen any such creatures before, and he was pretty sure he knew all the birds in the world.
"The swan. He thinks he owns this place, scaring everyone away, just to get all the fresh bread crumbs to himself".
Edith didn't really listen. He had already spotted a father and a young boy tossing bread to a few ducks, and a seagull who just happened to be passing by,
The tiny bird were still talking about how mean the swan was, and was pretty surprised when Edith suddenly began to sprint towards the man and the boy.
The ducks (and a seagull) flapped their wings in fright and ran off into the lake, when the goat started trampling towards them. Only the seagull actually managed to take off in flight.
"Let's eat!" said the goat, cramming his mouth full of bread. The bird jumped from his head on to the grass and began to nibble at the few crumbs the goat hadn't swallowed yet.
This was the first time since this morning Edith had a proper chance to take a good long look at his tiny companion. He was a great admirer of birds, and even though she had the dullest coat ever seen on a bird, for a moment it actually seem like the most beautiful combination of dark brown, white, light brown and a tiny bit of grey that he had ever seen.
And that tiny little beak. It kind of glimpsed in the sun when she nibbled small pieces of crumbs from what seemed to be a big lump of bread, compared to her body size.
That cute little beak, began hopping towards the staring goat.
"Are you going to eat that?" she asked, nodding her head in the direction of a few chunks of bread laying in front of him.
"Oh, no! Please, it's all yours!". He turned against the two people, hoping they would throw some more bread, but they hadn't done anything but to stare puzzled at the goat the past few minutes.
However, the little boy was considering what it would be like to pet the goat, but his father just continued to stare, until suddenly he panicky grabbed his son, and began to run away.
Edith barely got the chance to turn his head, when he suddenly heard a loud hissing coming from behind him.
"Oh crap!" cried the tiny bird, and the next moment a huge swan stood in front of them, flapping its large wings making enough wind force to blow the tiny bird into the air.
Only for half a second, Edith tried to figure out what kind of bird this were, but the other half made him realize that this was probably not the best time, and the next thing he knew, he was running with all his strength.
The tiny bird only just managed to get into the air, with a few weak flaps of her wings, and the help from the winds created by the angry swan. She soared just long enough to reach Edith and grab hold on a lock of his fur.

When they were done running, Edith sat down next to a fire hydrant to catch his breath.
"Now what? I'm still a bit hungry actually" the goat moaned.
"There's a supermarket not far from here. I've been told that this is where they get their bread from." The bird tried to stretch her wing again. It was only a bit sore this time.
"Then lets go to the supermarket!". Edith jumped up on all four again, and began walking in a random direction, hoping it was the right one.

Luckily it was.
Dull and impersonal music were playing from some low quality speakers hidden in the store corners. Edith was very impressed by this strange place, and hardly noticed all the costumers who nearly tripped over themselves, because they couldn't help but stare at the goat with the bird on its horn, who just walked into the store like nothing happened.
"Look! Over there! Between the shelf and the fat kid! BREAD!" screamed the tiny bird with her small squeaky voice.
Edith ran straight towards it, bumping shopping carts and fat children out of the way. He didn't have time to notice the plastic bag the bread was wrapped in, and just began to munch.
Then suddenly a tall man stomped at them, with his arms stretched far out, waving and yelling in a loud and deep voice, in the attempt to chase them away.
"Not this again!" thought Edith to himself, running wildly out of the store.

They took a rest at a bus stop, unknowingly that there were actually a bus line heading in the direction of Edith' home.
They had tried roaming through a few trash cans on the way there, but hadn't found anything but old newspapers and empty bottles.
"Well, this sure have been an exciting and enriching day, don't you think?!". The goat had a huge smile on his face, glaring the small bird who sat on the edge of the bench.
"It's barely been a day. It's not even noon yet" the bird answered emotionless.
"Well... It feels like forever when I'm with you, you know." Edith' big grin turned into a shy smile.
The bird looked at him with a strange expression.
Edith paused for a moment. They both starred at each other.
"I ... I love you" mumbled Edith somewhat loudly, turning his head shy at the ground.
The bird exhaled a deep sigh.
"That's it, I'm out of here." said the fat little bird, flapped her wings and took off.


I read this and thought it was absolutely adorable. Great job, Giesji, and thank you for publishing to Petzabloo!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Issue #14, A New Breed of Competition!

Ambitious Petz Competitionz

What are these competitions?

The "Ambitious Petz" competitions are a new and original way for your petz (catz, dogz, wildz, one and all) to earn titles to their name and have fun! A busy pet is a happy pet!

What's required to enter?

There are different moves that the entrant will be able to choose from when entering their petz, however, depending on if the competition is guided or freestyle will determine exactly how to train for your entry in the competition. First, let's go over the possible moves. 

What is the difference between "freestyle" and "guided"?
Competitions labeled "freestyle" will be open to any of the approved positions you want to do below. The only thing that will be stated in a freestyle competition will be how many positions you must execute, but you will be able to pick which you would like to do. "Guided" competitions will have a certain sequence your pet has to follow and sometimes will double up on certain positions meaning your pet will have to perform the same position more than once throughout the sequence. When your pet needs to double up during a competition, it is require that each time you perform that move, it is a different picture; so say you had to do two "come" positions in a given sequence, you would snap one "come" and then a separate picture would be snapped for the second "come.

Can anyone host their own Ambitious Petz Competitionz?
Of course you can! It is strongly encouraged. Just familiarize yourself with the rules and positions here!

I have a position I would like added to the approved positions, how do I do that?
Having more positions approved means more variety in competition and it is strongly encouraged to do so. If you have a position you would like approved to be used in competitions, just reply below with 1-3 pictures (or more if the position requires) of the pet executing it, whether it is for both catz and catz based wildz/fantasyzand dogz and dogz based wildz/fantasyz or for one or the other, the name of the position and brief guidelines as to how to perform it correctly. Once it is approved it will be posted here to be used in competitions!

Approved Positions

Murphy will show off the first set of moves. NoteALL positions are for BOTH catz and dogz and their wild/fantasy counterparts unless otherwise stated.

So, let's talk details here. For starters, all positions are to face to the right.

Stay: The stay position is to be seated up atop something. This something could be the tall stool, short stool, agility table, or any other type of elevation that is open on all sides so there is the possibility for the pet to jump off any which way. So, for example, you wouldn't perch your pet up on a sofa, as that is only open in the front. Now, for body placement. Starting from the top. Ears should be as aligned as possible, best case scenario, you only see one ear. Eyes are to be facing as forward as possible and only one eye is to be visible. Legs are to be aligned as such so that only one front paw and one back paw are visible. The tail may be facing either left, right, or down, just not upward, in other words, the tail is to be in a relaxed state.

Come: The come position for petz is relatively a simple one. Upon leaping down from the stay position, the forward focus the pet had in stay should carry on into come. A walk, trot, or run are all acceptable, however, running is preferable, as it shows the petz' desire to complete the task. In the come position, the ears are to be aligned as much as possible, even slightly pressed back toward the head. The eyes are to be aligned as much as possible as to only see one, and are to be looking forward in the direction the pet is headed. Eyes that are looking toward the camera are not acceptable. Leg alignment on this position is not as crucial to worry about as it is in other positions; so long as the facial features are aligned properly, leg alignment can vary. The tail is to be as straight behind the pet as possible. Exceptions for tail placement will vary from breedz that have bobtails or awkwardly shaped tails.

Hoop: The hoop may be either of the gold or silver variety or you may use an agility tire if you please. Either mid jump (having the pet be in the middle of the hoop) or 3/4 the way through the hoop are preferred when perfecting this position. The start of the jump is not preferred, as it displays the least amount of opportunity for alignment. Ears should be aligned as possible together, and front legs should be aligned in such a way only one paw/leg is visible. The back legs may either be aligned together or slightly splayed apart, back leg alignment is not as important in this position, as more emphasis is on the mid to front of the body. Eyes as always should be looking forward and not toward the camera; they should also be aligned in such a way only one eye is visible. The torso is important to look at in this position, as the more stretched out and lengthy it is, the better the position is being executed. Lastly, the tail is preferably tucked in between the legs or simply "following" the rest of the body - there should not be any strain on the tail to be splayed any which way unless it is tucked between the hind quarters; relaxation and precision is key.

Stength: To portray the strength of the pet, a treat or toy may be used. In this position, the pet shows its strength and determination to hold on to something that drives it. The ears in this position are splayed out in their normal way, following whichever way the head is tilted. Eyes should be clearly focused on the desired object the pet is holding onto. Front legs should be together, working in harmony to hold on to the prize, aligned in such a way it looks as though there is but one front leg. The torso and back legs may be swung to either the right or left. The more of the back that is toward the camera, the better, however. The tail in this position should be as relaxed as possible.

Pride: This position is used as the "final" or "ending" position to any sequence. Catz are known for their sass and their pride, and this position clearly shows just that. With unwavering confidence, the cat will finish strong with a simple, yet majestic pose. The cat is to be sitting with the chin held skyward, eyes aligned so only one eye is visible. Ears are to be aligned as much as possible to only show one ear. Both front and back legs are to be aligned so only one leg/paw of each is visible. The tail should lie behind the cat in a relaxed position, not venturing to the right or left by too much. Dogz and dogz based wildz and fantasyz MAY do this posesometimes it will even be requiredThe only difference is, the dogz and dogz based wildz and fantasyz MAY keep their eyes OPEN.

Some more positions...

Sit Pretty: This is one of two times when it is preferred the pet looks at the camera. This is a pose meant to show the finesse of a petz' attitude. Ears should be erect, sitting wherever the tilt in the head moves toward. Eyes should be relaxed (no angry eyelids or closed eye lids) and looking right at the camera. Head should be tilted to either the right or left. Legs should be set to poise the torso slightly upward. The tail should be slightly tilted upward.

Play Dead: This position is best trained for when your pet is somewhat sleepy. The pet should be laid out on its side, with head tucked into chest and the legs tucked up to the chest and belly. The tail should be tucked inward toward the hind legs. The eyes should be completely closed, both being visible. Alternate version may have legs and paws straight up in the air.

Speak: This is the second position that asks for the pet to be focused on the camera. Ears should be pinned backward, not being visible, and eyes may range from being completely open to 3/4 closed. Eyes should never be completely shut. Legs should be aligned so only one of each back and front is visible. The tail should be slightly curved over the back end. The mouth should be open as far as possible, exposing the tongue.

Hunt (catz and catz based wildz and fantasyz only): This position portrays the catz' love for tracking down its prey. The entire body should be crouched to the ground, leaving only one front paw and one back paw visible. Ears should be pinned to the head or 3/4 of the way pinned to the headEyes should be aligned as much as possible to only show one, and the eyelids should be in an intense, aggressive state (angry eyes). The tail should be facing upward with a slight curve over the back end. The prey may or may not be seen in this picture.

Capture (catz and catz based wildz and fantasyz only): This position is when the cat captures the desired prey (which may be a toy, treat, or mouse). Whereas in the hunt position it was optional for the prey to be visible, the prey must be visible in this picture. Body placement is more lenient in this position so long as it is facing to the right. This position is more about the technique used to capture the prey. Generally, however, the eyes should be in an aggressive state (angry eyes), focused on the prey. The front legs and paws should be used to aide in the capture, however, it is permissible for the cat to have done a full mouth capture without the use of the paws. The hind end and tail may be in varying positions so long as the capture is made successfully.

Murphy did a great job so far, Azazel wanted to be part of the demonstration too though!

Point: The petz' job in this position is to "talk" to the owner by pointing to something they want rather than biting or whacking it out of place. The object may or may not be present in the picture. The body should be slanted toward the right with both hind legs firmly planted on the ground. The tail should be being utilized for balance in an erect state. It is preferable only one paw be visible and of course, that would be the "pointing" paw. Both eyes should be focused on the desired object, the area right above the "pointing" paw. Ears will flow with the direction of the head, in a neutral state.

Balance Walk: Walk like a human! This is generally a fun position for petz, as when they perform this, they are quite happy. This position is not only about balance, but the pet should be showing clear signs of enjoyment while executing. For example, it is preferable, but not mandatory for the tongue to be hanging out of the mouth. The pet may walk either to toward the camera, away from the camera, or to the right. The pet is never to travel to the left. This pose is lenient in the facial positions, as the eyes and ears may be in any place so long as the pet is clearly walking on the hind legs. It is imperative that one back leg remains off of the ground to show the pet is indeed walking and not simply standing.

To participate and get your petz started, click here!