Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Issue #21

Chicken Smoothie

Chicken Smoothie is Now Being Featured in Petzabloo

Are you a member at Chicken Smoothie? If not, you should check it out, it is a really awesome site where there are oodles of talented people, and not to mention the adorable pets you can adopt and trade with other users! Daily you will find here, Oekaki favorites, links to people's adoption agencies, randomly featured pets that are up for trade or adoption, and submitted articles and works from talented people! Incase you didn't know, I am Icciotto over at Chicken Smoothie, and proud to be a member of such a friendly, active community!

Daily Oekaki That Wow'ed

Girl and Horse by ~Adelaide~
Petzabloo Review: This art is beautiful, gorgeous even. The blending of the background is outstanding, blended to perfection. As the horse trots off, the woman sits and ponders what looks like to be her reality. Awesome job, ~Adelaide~! Here's a little something for you lovely if you'd like to have it. Your art deserves a little trophy.

Featured User-Made Adoptables

Flame-Kittens, up for adoption by TabbiKat and the deisnging crew, are gorgeous kitties that would love to be yours! Go check out the adorableness for yourself! ^^

Featured Wishlist

Wishlists will randomly be chosen and featured here daily at Petzabloo. Maybe you'd like to offer a trade or donate and make someone's day or Chicken Smoothie dream come true! Today's featured wishlist is Ryukin's wishlist. Can you help Ryukin out?

Daily Chicken Smoothie Pet

Click here for today's featured pet at Chicken Smoothie, owned by august_wind♥.

Website Feature Advertisement

Are you a Batman fan? Why not check out Sam's Pull-List, a blog dedicated to the critique and review of comics.  Help a guy out who would like some pageviews and maybe some feeback!


D'awww, What a Face!
This is Jake, for adoption here, along with some other friends of his! Cheaco has some awesome pups for D4 up here, some swing by and maybe take Jake or one of his friends home today!

What a Good Pose...err, You're Doing it Wrong!

Runt says: You want me to do wha?!

Come here to enter your petz in a pose show fail competition! Everybody will win, and all are welcome, catz, dogz, and every age from young, old, and inbetween! It should generate a few laughs as you can actually use those poses (if you wanna call them that!) that once made you grunt with frustration!

Petz Healthy Reminder

How can you ignore a request from a cutie like this?

While at Icciotto's Petz Home...

Aoife says: My mommy got me spayed today...I'm not exactly sure what that is but she says it is good for me! She said I was too flirtatious...hmmm....


Daily Dose of Wisdom

Robert Frost Quote

Thank you so much for reading everyone! Remember: E-mail me at to get anything you would like featured, whether it be artwork, advertisements, Chicken Smoothie related, petz related, adoptables of any kind (petz, Chicken Smoothie, others), writing (any type), articles about anything (only request is to keep it clean and sensor anything that wouldn't be PG-13).

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