Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Issue #14, A New Breed of Competition!

Ambitious Petz Competitionz

What are these competitions?

The "Ambitious Petz" competitions are a new and original way for your petz (catz, dogz, wildz, one and all) to earn titles to their name and have fun! A busy pet is a happy pet!

What's required to enter?

There are different moves that the entrant will be able to choose from when entering their petz, however, depending on if the competition is guided or freestyle will determine exactly how to train for your entry in the competition. First, let's go over the possible moves. 

What is the difference between "freestyle" and "guided"?
Competitions labeled "freestyle" will be open to any of the approved positions you want to do below. The only thing that will be stated in a freestyle competition will be how many positions you must execute, but you will be able to pick which you would like to do. "Guided" competitions will have a certain sequence your pet has to follow and sometimes will double up on certain positions meaning your pet will have to perform the same position more than once throughout the sequence. When your pet needs to double up during a competition, it is require that each time you perform that move, it is a different picture; so say you had to do two "come" positions in a given sequence, you would snap one "come" and then a separate picture would be snapped for the second "come.

Can anyone host their own Ambitious Petz Competitionz?
Of course you can! It is strongly encouraged. Just familiarize yourself with the rules and positions here!

I have a position I would like added to the approved positions, how do I do that?
Having more positions approved means more variety in competition and it is strongly encouraged to do so. If you have a position you would like approved to be used in competitions, just reply below with 1-3 pictures (or more if the position requires) of the pet executing it, whether it is for both catz and catz based wildz/fantasyzand dogz and dogz based wildz/fantasyz or for one or the other, the name of the position and brief guidelines as to how to perform it correctly. Once it is approved it will be posted here to be used in competitions!

Approved Positions

Murphy will show off the first set of moves. NoteALL positions are for BOTH catz and dogz and their wild/fantasy counterparts unless otherwise stated.

So, let's talk details here. For starters, all positions are to face to the right.

Stay: The stay position is to be seated up atop something. This something could be the tall stool, short stool, agility table, or any other type of elevation that is open on all sides so there is the possibility for the pet to jump off any which way. So, for example, you wouldn't perch your pet up on a sofa, as that is only open in the front. Now, for body placement. Starting from the top. Ears should be as aligned as possible, best case scenario, you only see one ear. Eyes are to be facing as forward as possible and only one eye is to be visible. Legs are to be aligned as such so that only one front paw and one back paw are visible. The tail may be facing either left, right, or down, just not upward, in other words, the tail is to be in a relaxed state.

Come: The come position for petz is relatively a simple one. Upon leaping down from the stay position, the forward focus the pet had in stay should carry on into come. A walk, trot, or run are all acceptable, however, running is preferable, as it shows the petz' desire to complete the task. In the come position, the ears are to be aligned as much as possible, even slightly pressed back toward the head. The eyes are to be aligned as much as possible as to only see one, and are to be looking forward in the direction the pet is headed. Eyes that are looking toward the camera are not acceptable. Leg alignment on this position is not as crucial to worry about as it is in other positions; so long as the facial features are aligned properly, leg alignment can vary. The tail is to be as straight behind the pet as possible. Exceptions for tail placement will vary from breedz that have bobtails or awkwardly shaped tails.

Hoop: The hoop may be either of the gold or silver variety or you may use an agility tire if you please. Either mid jump (having the pet be in the middle of the hoop) or 3/4 the way through the hoop are preferred when perfecting this position. The start of the jump is not preferred, as it displays the least amount of opportunity for alignment. Ears should be aligned as possible together, and front legs should be aligned in such a way only one paw/leg is visible. The back legs may either be aligned together or slightly splayed apart, back leg alignment is not as important in this position, as more emphasis is on the mid to front of the body. Eyes as always should be looking forward and not toward the camera; they should also be aligned in such a way only one eye is visible. The torso is important to look at in this position, as the more stretched out and lengthy it is, the better the position is being executed. Lastly, the tail is preferably tucked in between the legs or simply "following" the rest of the body - there should not be any strain on the tail to be splayed any which way unless it is tucked between the hind quarters; relaxation and precision is key.

Stength: To portray the strength of the pet, a treat or toy may be used. In this position, the pet shows its strength and determination to hold on to something that drives it. The ears in this position are splayed out in their normal way, following whichever way the head is tilted. Eyes should be clearly focused on the desired object the pet is holding onto. Front legs should be together, working in harmony to hold on to the prize, aligned in such a way it looks as though there is but one front leg. The torso and back legs may be swung to either the right or left. The more of the back that is toward the camera, the better, however. The tail in this position should be as relaxed as possible.

Pride: This position is used as the "final" or "ending" position to any sequence. Catz are known for their sass and their pride, and this position clearly shows just that. With unwavering confidence, the cat will finish strong with a simple, yet majestic pose. The cat is to be sitting with the chin held skyward, eyes aligned so only one eye is visible. Ears are to be aligned as much as possible to only show one ear. Both front and back legs are to be aligned so only one leg/paw of each is visible. The tail should lie behind the cat in a relaxed position, not venturing to the right or left by too much. Dogz and dogz based wildz and fantasyz MAY do this posesometimes it will even be requiredThe only difference is, the dogz and dogz based wildz and fantasyz MAY keep their eyes OPEN.

Some more positions...

Sit Pretty: This is one of two times when it is preferred the pet looks at the camera. This is a pose meant to show the finesse of a petz' attitude. Ears should be erect, sitting wherever the tilt in the head moves toward. Eyes should be relaxed (no angry eyelids or closed eye lids) and looking right at the camera. Head should be tilted to either the right or left. Legs should be set to poise the torso slightly upward. The tail should be slightly tilted upward.

Play Dead: This position is best trained for when your pet is somewhat sleepy. The pet should be laid out on its side, with head tucked into chest and the legs tucked up to the chest and belly. The tail should be tucked inward toward the hind legs. The eyes should be completely closed, both being visible. Alternate version may have legs and paws straight up in the air.

Speak: This is the second position that asks for the pet to be focused on the camera. Ears should be pinned backward, not being visible, and eyes may range from being completely open to 3/4 closed. Eyes should never be completely shut. Legs should be aligned so only one of each back and front is visible. The tail should be slightly curved over the back end. The mouth should be open as far as possible, exposing the tongue.

Hunt (catz and catz based wildz and fantasyz only): This position portrays the catz' love for tracking down its prey. The entire body should be crouched to the ground, leaving only one front paw and one back paw visible. Ears should be pinned to the head or 3/4 of the way pinned to the headEyes should be aligned as much as possible to only show one, and the eyelids should be in an intense, aggressive state (angry eyes). The tail should be facing upward with a slight curve over the back end. The prey may or may not be seen in this picture.

Capture (catz and catz based wildz and fantasyz only): This position is when the cat captures the desired prey (which may be a toy, treat, or mouse). Whereas in the hunt position it was optional for the prey to be visible, the prey must be visible in this picture. Body placement is more lenient in this position so long as it is facing to the right. This position is more about the technique used to capture the prey. Generally, however, the eyes should be in an aggressive state (angry eyes), focused on the prey. The front legs and paws should be used to aide in the capture, however, it is permissible for the cat to have done a full mouth capture without the use of the paws. The hind end and tail may be in varying positions so long as the capture is made successfully.

Murphy did a great job so far, Azazel wanted to be part of the demonstration too though!

Point: The petz' job in this position is to "talk" to the owner by pointing to something they want rather than biting or whacking it out of place. The object may or may not be present in the picture. The body should be slanted toward the right with both hind legs firmly planted on the ground. The tail should be being utilized for balance in an erect state. It is preferable only one paw be visible and of course, that would be the "pointing" paw. Both eyes should be focused on the desired object, the area right above the "pointing" paw. Ears will flow with the direction of the head, in a neutral state.

Balance Walk: Walk like a human! This is generally a fun position for petz, as when they perform this, they are quite happy. This position is not only about balance, but the pet should be showing clear signs of enjoyment while executing. For example, it is preferable, but not mandatory for the tongue to be hanging out of the mouth. The pet may walk either to toward the camera, away from the camera, or to the right. The pet is never to travel to the left. This pose is lenient in the facial positions, as the eyes and ears may be in any place so long as the pet is clearly walking on the hind legs. It is imperative that one back leg remains off of the ground to show the pet is indeed walking and not simply standing.

To participate and get your petz started, click here!

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