Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Friday Everyone!

Bellies Full O'...babies?!

Wow, now what a unique idea. I haven't seen this before, however, Mako put some kitties up for adoption who were pregnant! I think that could be an awesome surprise for someone who has some extra room in their hearts and petz home. Think grab bags with a spin. Not only are you getting the beautiful pet you pick out, you get anywhere from 1-4 other petz that were part of her.You never know what you're going to get! Don't be fooled by a "common" looking pet either, because who's to say the sire didn't have lines and lines of  unique, colorful petz? Now I'm sure sometimes female petz are sent out pregnant by accident, but purposely breeding before they are adopted out is a unique and fun way to get some surprising variety!

Humans Collect Things by Nature

Coin collections, teddy bear collections (teddies - my personal love!), rock collections, stamp collections, the list goes on and on. What about petz though? Are you a collector? Petz are so adorable and unique in and of themselves, but when you throw in hexing and excessive breeding, you get some phenomenal looking furballs! Personally I love playing with my petz as if they were my own, however, what collector doesn't love their valued items? Do you have a collection with special petz that are from certain holidays or memorable raffles? Send some pics of your most prized possessions and maybe a short accompanying story. At the moment, I, myself only have two petz. They'd love to say Kuan-yin and Fa! Kuan-yin is the little chibi kitty and Fa is goin' for the bacon!

Entering Non-petz Territory...

The Holiday of Love is Upon Us

According to Live Science...
Do you know where Valentine's Day comes from? Think naked Romans, paganism and whips, writes John Roach over at National Geographic. "The lovers' holiday traces its roots to raucous annual Roman festivals where men stripped naked, grabbed goat- or dog-skin whips, and spanked young maidens in hopes of increasing their fertility." 
Caption Contest?
Picture from here. Not my own. A good one though, haha!
Drop a comment below with a good caption to be featured in tomorrow's newsletter! What a pic...

That's cute. Have a lovely night everyone!

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